Monday, September 19, 2022

Wrangling bash_history across multiple sesions

I find myself constantly using multiple terminals on the same system.  The default bash history is a good start, but not enough for my needs.  After endless searching, testing, ignoring, deleting, and procrastinating I finally found a solution that works for me.   

1. Session Isolation 
    - I don't need new history items available across sessions
    - Typically the work I am preforming is isolated but similar enough that having commands updated between sessions is both obnoxious and unhelpful.
2. Custom Timestamp 
    - I like seeing a particular timestamp format in my history output (helps me remember what I was doing at that time)
3. Dedupe
    - Like I mentioned above, I don't need commands shared across terminal windows
    - Also, I don't like duplicate uses of command in my history
    - Sure I may lose the first, or prior, occurrence(s) of a command.  But I only require the last use.
4. Write on session exit
    - I don't want to lose my history to a `kill -i `
    - I also don't want to lose my history if I close the wrong session tab
    - dedupe only needs to happen at this point
5. Use only linux bash commands
    - I don't want to download some fancy utility.
    - use the fewest number of commands
6. Unlimited history
    - computers are big enough and fast enough to handle this
    - new versions of bash allow an unlimited history

## `~/.bashrc`

shopt -s histappend

## `/etc/profile.d/`

function deduphistory {
  echo "deduphistory"
  history -w ~/.bash_history.dedup_backup
  history -n; history -a
  tac ~/.bash_history | awk '!x[$0]++' | tac > ~/.bash_history_new_dedup
  history -cr ~/.bash_history_new_dedup
  history -w
# cleanup bash history on exit
trap deduphistory EXIT

## Profit
Watch your history get appended and deduped on exit.  
No more lost history (mostly)
And be happy

### Files available as gists

Originally posted on github. 

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